celebrating the old, the new & you
27 May 2022
With the 2022 CapeBPO Awards judging coming to a close, we’d like to throw you an extra opportunity to get involved in this prestigious event.
We strive to keep recognising those who improve the wellbeing of the industry and elevate voices that represent the future of the BPO sector. We’ve opened up 3 fun, completely-no-strings-attached categories for your team to take part in during the awards adventure!

Do you have a great boss? We thought it would be fun to give you the chance to brag upon your boss and share with us why you have the world’s best boss. The goal is not only to celebrate their success but bring about awareness, unity, collaboration, and support for the leaders that are a pivotal part of our industry. We want to know about these great people, many of whom are unrecognised by their peers but who YOU know often go the extra mile providing support, out of hours training, encouragement and a sense of fair play.
Open to: CEO’s & Directors working in the BPO industry
Nominations can be made as individuals or as teams.
Send the following on Whatsapp to 073 154 4910:
- Nominee details including:
- Nomination Category
- Nominee Name
- Nominee Company
- Nominee Contact Number
- Nominee Contact Email
- 90-second video explaining what makes your nominee stand out and the impact they’ve had on you, their colleagues, and/or the company. A supporting testimonial would be advantageous.
Year-after-year, industry lists honour executives in prominent roles who are already in the headlines. What about the leaders you haven't heard about yet - the ones still making a name for themselves and making a big impact behind the scenes? We want to recognise the next generation of leaders across the BPO industry. If you think you have a colleague or manager who has what it takes to be a #futureleader, show your appreciation with a #futureleader nomination in their honour!
Open to: Team Leaders, Managers & Supervisors working in the BPO Industry

Nominations can be made as individuals or as teams.
Send the following on Whatsapp to 073 154 4910:
- Nominee details including:
- Nomination Category
- Nominee Name
- Nominee Company
- Nominee Contact Number
- Nominee Contact Email
- 90-second video explaining what makes your nominee stand out and the impact they’ve had on you, their colleagues, and/or the company. A supporting testimonial would be advantageous.

This one’s for the groups! Is there something special about your team? It could be an awesome company anthem or team battle-cry, an achievement you accomplished together or even a fun shared memory. We welcome you to show us your team spirit. We’re calling all BPO teams to showcase a moment they are most proud of or whatever you think embodies YOUR team spirit!
Open to: Teams of 3 or more working in the BPO industry
Send the following on Whatsapp to 073 154 4910:
- Nominee details including:
- Nomination Category
- Company Name
- Contact Person
- Contact Number
- Contact Email
- 90-second video showcasing your team spirit!
T's & C's
All submissions will be voted on by a panel of celeb and industry-partner judges.
This is not an audited process, and all voting is subjective to each individual judge.
Entries close 18 May 2022.
Voting will take place on 20 May 2022.
Winners will be announced at the CapeBPO Awards Ceremony on 27 May 2022 at Century City Conference Centre.