Clayton Williams Announced as CapeBPO CEO Designate

Dear CapeBPO stakeholders,
In February of this year the CapeBPO Board agreed to me stepping down as CEO and passing on the role to Clayton Williams at the end of this current financial year (1st April 2021). Furthermore the Board decided that in October of this year we should inform our community that as of 1st October Clayton would become “CEO designate”.
As many of you will have observed, the handover has been going on for some time and actually started when Clayton joined the organisation 3 years ago. Significant strategic projects, most especially in the skills environment, all have Clayton’s signature on them. I am proud to be handing over the reins to someone who has gained not only my trust but also my friendship.
Please join me in congratulating Clayton on taking on his new role as “CapeBPO CEO designate” and in wishing him every success in the years ahead.

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