BPESA Cape Town Take Stock of Provincial Medical Supplies

The longer the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the greater the Western Cape’s need for medical equipment will be. Our provincial government need to be able to determine whether we as a province are prepared, and what the next steps are if we are not. Effective crisis management and planning can only be implemented when accurate stock data is available.

The task: verify medical supply data

CapeBPO, in partnership with the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape Government, recently conducted a medical product supplier data cleanse. The objective was to gain an accurate reading on medical stock availability within the Western Cape.

In this exercise, our team spent two days contacting thousands of suppliers of medical equipment and other paraphernalia (such as masks and ventilators). Firstly, we confirmed that the supplier’s company details are correct, and, secondly, we confirmed the availability of stock by capturing the accurate number of units of their supplies.

The result: accurate data recorded

After hours of phone calls made by our team, we have been able to successfully verify supplier details as well as the availability of various medical supplies in the Western Cape. We now have accurate readings of the stock levels of all essential medical items.

The benefit: better decision-making

This accurate data will allow our provincial government and the City of Cape Town to:

  1. Proactively manage supply against scenario planning. Scenario planning is now more effective and accurate as it is based on data with high integrity.
  2. Make informed decisions on the procurement of medical supplies.
  3. Seek stock outside of the Western Cape if there are any deficits. This becomes increasingly critical the longer the COVID-19 crisis continues, which, in turn, increases the need for supplies.

CapeBPO, together with the city’s contact centres, will continue to assist wherever we can during this time of crisis.

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